Dr. Pavlin Dobrev
Dr. Pavlin Dobrev is a Research and Development Manager at Bosch Software Innovations. The company owned by Bosch is focused on developing software for the Internet of Things (IoT). He is charge for the Quality Management of the Bosch IoT Suite, the entire support of ISO 9001, ISO 20000 and ISO 27001 at Bosch Software Innovations, as well as various research and customer projects.
Dr. Dobrev has more than two decades of experience with IoT including latest Java technologies, as well as in OSGi and embedded systems. He is an active participant in the OSGi Alliance, Java Community Process and other technical standards groups. He is a member of the Eclipse Foundation and participates in the development of the Eclipse IDE as a committer in the Equinox project.
Pavlin Dobrev has a PhD in Computer Systems in the area of Knowledge Management from the Institute for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and holds an MsC in Computer Science from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University. He has written many scientific and technical publications and participated as speaker in prestigious international conferences.
An end to the hype: IoT goes mainstream
Have we discovered the Holy Grail of business models for the Internet of Things, the killer app? Does every product need to be connected via a smartphone app? Have, as predicted, billions of devices already been connected? And what will come after the IoT hype is over? In his keynote address, Dr. Pavlin Dobrev traces Bosch’s route to the Internet of Things and its attendant evolution to an IoT company. For Dr. Pavlin Dobrev, the year 2018 marks a turning point: connectivity has finally reached the corporate sector and is now being increasingly commercialized. He believes that the hype surrounding IoT is over – but the excitement is not about to cool. According to a new study, one in two companies is planning to introduce an IoT platform this year. In the past, IoT was the subject of individual task forces and special projects, but now it is set to become an integral part of enterprise infrastructure, product portfolios, corporate strategy, and organization.
Leaning objectives:
- The case example of IoT at Bosch: from traditional manufacturer to IoT company
- Springboards and pitfalls on the path to becoming a successful IoT company
- The role played by IoT platforms, software, and developers in successful IoT companies
- The impact of open source and agile organization on IoT success