Tomas Langer
Helidon architect and developer with experience from Java EE (Consulting WebLogic), and from customer’s point of view (software architect at two IT companies).
Helidon Hands-On
Create you very first Helidon-SE and Helidon-MP microservice!
Helidon: Java Libraries for Writing Microservices
Come learn about developing microservices using Helidon. Helidon is an open source project led by Oracle. Helidon contains a collection of Java libraries for building microservices. In this session we will talk about two programming models supported by Helidon: lightweight, functional model using JDK as runtime for those wanting less “magic” and Microprofile for those wanting inversion of control and familiar Java EE APIs. We will show how to quickly create your first Helidon application which uses both programming models.